About Me

My name and its impact on the world.
Hi my name is CommanderFluffy. I started useing this name years and years ago... sometime back in probably 1995 when doom and quake multiplayer had become an online world event. Just thinking back to the old announcers yelling multikill in my ears brings back some great memories.
Getting online playing the halo series, call of duty, battlefield, and many more online games from all sorts of platforms was always a great world and enjoyment. I became well known on many online communities to the point that many people had already known my reputation and name before i had the chance to introduce myself.
When this type of recognition started out I was really rather excited to be known at all. So in the earlier years 2000-2005 I actively created a brand that stood out for me. This was about the time i created this website. More of a basic spash page more or less that i had not updated for years... too many years it seems.
I continued my online presence in video games in my time off as well as becoming well known in the prop and costume communities and cosplay. My brand and name had somehow become my own identity. At conventions those who knew my brand and what i do with the business partners i have call CommanderFluffy across Convention halls and events all over the place.
As time went on i decided to make my online presence more prominant with videos on youtube and regularily streaming on twitch. All was in the up and up it seemed from 2012-2018. things were im motion and working well. Youtube Videos had been made, Twitch was regularily streaming. but it did take away from my activities in business affairs and real world events. And at one point my life did stall and the online and gaming part of my life did let go. However the Brand i had built did not waiver in its stable place in the online world and in people minds of those that it stuck in.
So CommanderFluffy is me and I Him. The name and the brand are so engrained on me and my life i would not be able to part with it in any form or fashion. and i will continue to endeavor to grow and build this brand as best i can and for what i believe to be real.
Things I've come to know
Throughout the years it has come to my attention that at leist 2-4 new CommanderFluffy copy cats think up the name yearly and proceed to either use or try and actively use the name thus dammaging the brand that i have worked hard to create both in an online world and real world. Each New copy cat does ask to use the name and take existing accounts to use my unique name as their own. This does not establish a brand, it only tarnishes it. I endevor to keep the name and continue to create the content i feel establishes my brand.
A Few of the Games I Play